AUSTRALIAN VISA: requirements & online APPLICATION

This step-by-step Australian visa guide covers both traveler and company streams, the visa requirements, and the entire online application process. Last updated: April 6, 2019.

One sure way to make us smile is to mention Australia. Whenever a friend asks us a easy question about our time there, we can’t seem to stop talking passionately. Australia is incredible. It may be the world’s smallest continent, but it is teeming with adventures.

So far, we have went to seven cities and six national parks (Litchfield, Kakadu, Wattarka, Kata Tjuta-Uluru, Port Campbell, and the great barrier Reef). Fortunately, it is easy to get an Australian traveler visa. While you can still apply through VFS Global, a much more problem-free way is to do everything online. I’ve done this three times for myself and several times for my friends and family.

Mitä tässä oppaassa on katettu?

AUSTRALIAN traveler VISA OR company VISA?
HOW TO apply FOR AN AUSTRALIAN VISA ONLINE1. sign up for an ImmiAccount.
2. accomplish the Application Form.
3. submit supporting Documents.
4. Pay the Application Fee.

AUSTRALIAN VISA frequently ASKED QUESTIONSHow long is the processing time for Australian Visa (Tourist or Business)?
How long is the validity of the Australian visa?
How early ought to I apply for an Australian visa?
How much money ought to I have in the bank to get approved?
What is the grant Number in the application form?
In the application form, what ought to I answer to the “Any significant Date” field?
Is Australian visa group APPLICATION possible?
I’m traveling with family. Do all of us need to sign up for an Immi account?
What to answer to ‘Other Passports or files for Travel’ and ‘Other identity Documents’?
I don’t see any section for travel history in my submit files page. What ought to I do?
I’m being asked to submit form 956A. Mikä se on?
I can’t type correctly on form 54 (Family Composition). Mitä tehdä?
I can’t sign form 54 (Family Composition). how do I add my signature?
What ought to I submit in the section called ‘Exceptional reasons for extended stay in Australia as a visitor (Beyond 12 months)?’
Can I apply for a multiple entry Australian visa?
Can I be given a multiple entry visa even if I only applied for single entry?
Can I be given a multiple entry visa even if I’m applying for the first time?
What are the reasons why my application would be denied?
What to answer to the part of the form about NON-ACCOMPANYING members OF THE family UNIT?
Do the files have to be notarized?
Does Australian immigration still stamp passports? Can I request for an entry stamp?
Where do I attach or submit the cover letter?
To whom ought to I address the bank certificate, cover letter, and employment certificate?
What does an Australian Visa look like?
Are medical or health exams required when applying for an Australian visa?
If I submit this, this and this, what are the chances of approval?

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AUSTRALIAN traveler VISA OR company VISA?

This guide is for those applying for an Australian visitor Visa (subclass 600) online. Under this visa, there are two main streams: traveler and Business.

Tourist Stream. According to VFS, a traveler is a person going to Australia temporarily “for a holiday, for a visit to relatives or friends, or for other short-term non-work purposes, including study for less than three months.” This stream applies to people who will be shouldering their own expenses and have no sponsors.

Business Stream. This type is for those who are flying to Australia for a business-related activity like attending a conference or meeting a client. This is different from a work Visa, which we know nothing about.

If you’re eyeing another type (long-term study, work, residency visas), I’m scared we can’t help you because we haven’t experienced it.

To clarify: If you’re going to a relative or friend but you will take on your travel expenses, you will still fall under the traveler Stream. but if you’re sponsored by someone in Australia, there is a separate category for that: Sponsored family Stream. We haven’t tried this stream yet, so we’re not covering that in this post.


Accomplished online application form. No need to print anything. You will be filling this out after creating an account. The form has 20 pages, so completing it can take a while, but it’s easy.

Passport-size photo. Soft copy.

Copy of passport info page. Scanned. should be clear.

Evidence of financial status and funding for visit. any or all of the following:
– personal bank statement
– ITR or tax document
– Payslips
– Title deed
– retirement pension book

Evidence of Applicant’s Previous Travel. You may be asked to offer scanned copies of the pages of your OLD and current passports that have entry and exit stamps and visas. Not all applicants are required to submit this.

Evidence of current employment or self-employment. For employees, it can be any or all of the following:
– Certificate of employment, discussing your role in the company
– evidence of leave
For self-employed individuals or business-owners, any or all of the following will be accepted:
– company registration documents
– finance sheets (profits and losses)
For students
– Certificate of enrolment

Family Register and composition Form.
– form 54 (Family Composition)
– PSA Birth Certificate
– vihkitodistus. If your current last name is different from your last name in your birth certificate.

Evidence of planned tourism activities in Australia. (For traveler Stream ONLY)
– day-to-day schedule (daily schedule showing the places you will visit and things you will do). sample schedule here.

Evidence of Business-Related reason for Travel. (For company Stream ONLY.) It can be any or all of the following:
– conference registration
– details of previous contacts with Australian company or organization
– Letter from employer discussing the reason for traveling

Group trip Details. If you’re going to Australia as part of a group tour, submit any or all of the following:
– group Itinerary
– Letter from company or institution organizing the tour
– group trip participants list

Visa Fee. as of July 2019, the fee is AUD 145. credit report card, debit card, PayPal, and UnionPay are accepted.


NOT all of the above are required. Some are labeled required while others are labelled RECOMMENDED. So technically, not all of these are required. but I still strongly encourage you to submit as numerous noted files as you can.

On the list above, I keep on writing “ANY or all of these documents” under some categories. Miksi? because in theory, you can submit just one item per file type. but of course, the much more relevant files you upload, the higher your chances of your application being approved.

Some files don’t apply to everyone. I tried changing some answers to check if it would affect the list of requirements and I found that it did. Therefore: The list of requirements vary depending on your answers to the questions in the form. For example, when I applied for myself and my mom, I wasn’t required to submit proof of travel history but my mother was.

The following file types are accepted: jpg, bmp, png, pdf. PDF files should NOT be encrypted. Zip files are not allowed.

The size of each file should not exceed 5MB. If it’s bigger than that, you will need to decrease the size. If your PDF files are still over, recreate your files with Adobe Distiller and set to “lowest file size.” Jpeg files can be set to only 96 DPI (dots per inch).

Here are additional files that are not required but I believe can help your application go smoothly. (I submitted the following for my first application.)

Saatekirje. This isn’t required, but it would help you a lot if you submit a letter discussing why you want to visit. Make sure that the letter summarizes and supports everything else you’re submitting. Remember, there will be no interview so it is best to let them know what you plan to do in Oz. We have a sample here: AUSTRALIAN VISA COVER LETTER.

Roundtrip flight and hotel booking. You are actually discouraged to book flights and hotels before you’re given a visa (so your money won’t go to waste ought to your application be denied), but in our case, we already had confirmed bookings so we thought we might as well submit them. This might be helpful if you snagged low fares through seat sale. but if you don’t have tickets yet, don’t book. wait for your visa before making flight arrangements.

I know friends who also submitted their newest credit report card statement. This is to show them that you have additional source of travel funds. I have a credit report card but didn’t submit mine.

Again, if your trip is sponsored by a family member, apply for a visa under Sponsored family Stream. Unfortunately, we haven’t experienced it so we don’t know the details. but from what I know, you will need to have the following on top of the other requirements.

Kutsukirje. only if you’re going to a friend or relative. best if you have photos with that friend and relative showing that you really know each other.

Identification files of Sponsor. If you declare that your trip will be paid for by someone other than yourself.

Evidence that your sponsor in Australia can financially support your trip. If you declare that your trip will be paid for by someone other than yourself.

Your sponsor might also be required to pay a bond.


1. sign up for an ImmiAccount.

ImmiAccount implies an account with, the Australian government’s official immigration website. It is essential to create an ImmiAccount because the whole process will be done on this website.

Australian immigration site Interface
Important: Make sure you use a working email address. any update about your application will be sent to thiS -sähköposti (mukaan lukien hakemuksesi vastaanottamisen ja todellisen viisumin avustuksen kuittaus). Saat myös ilmoituksen joka kerta, kun kirjaudut tilillesi.

Rekisteröityäksesi siirry tälle sivustolle.

2. Suorita hakemuslomake.

Kun sinulla on tili, saat vahvistuslinkin sähköpostitse. Tarkista postilaatikko ja seuraa linkkiä.

Kun olet vahvistettu, tee seuraavat:

Napsauta uutta sovellusta. Täällä sinulta kysytään, minkä tyyppistä viisumia haluat.

Napsauta kävijää. Valitse sitten vierailijaviisumi (alaluokka 600). Turisteille tämä vastaa lomakkeelle 1419, paitsi että sinun ei tarvitse tulostaa tätä.

Jatka lomakkeen kaikkien 20 sivun täyttämistä.

Entä jos aloitat lomakkeen toteuttamisen, mutta et voi sitten parhaiten suorittaa? Se on okei. Voit tallentaa muutokset ja jatkaa muokkaamista tulevaisuudessa. Niin kauan kuin tallennat sen (etkä lähetä), voit jatkaa lomakkeen muokkaamista.

Älä lähetä lomaketta, jos et ole vielä valmis.

3. Lähetä tukevat asiakirjat.

Hakemuksen kojelaudasta löydät kentän, josta voit lähettää vaadittavat ja suositellut asiakirjat. Olennainen on lähettää mahdollisimman lukuisia tyyppejä. parempi katsoa kuin katua.

Voit nähdä luettelon yllä olevista vaatimuksista.

Tätä lähetystiedosto -sivu näyttää hakeessasi Traveler Stream -viisumia.

Jotkut hakijat näkevät lisätodisteita hakijan edellisestä matkakentästä.

Ja tämä on tarkoitettu yritysvirtaan.

Tiedostoliitteen sivu yritysvirtahakijoille. Hain yritystä toista kertaa. Ensimmäistä kertaa turisti.
Se siitä! Kun olet lähettänyt hakemuksesi, sinun on saatava sähköpostiosoitteesi kuittaus hakemuksen vastaanottamisesta. Sain omani samana lähetyspäivänä.

Tästä eteenpäin se tulee olemaan hermostuttava odotuspeli. Huomaa, että he eivät koskaan anna sinulle päivitystä lähettämäsi hetkestä, kunnes päätös tehdään. Tämä tarkoittaa, että seuraava sähköposti, jonka saat heiltä, ​​kertoo sinulle, onko sinulle annettu viisumi.

4. Maksa hakemusmaksu.

Online -maksut suoritetaan vain luottotietokortilla.

Maksu on nyt AUD 145 (Php 5194). Myös luottokertomuskortti lisämaksu kerättiin. (Minun tapauksessani se oli AUD 1.37.)

Jos sinulla ei ole luottotietokorttia, voit kysyä perheenjäseneltä tai ystävältä, jolla on sellainen. Voit käyttää myös PayPalia ja UnionPaya.

Australian viisumi kysyi usein kysymyksiä

Kuinka kauan Australian viisumin (turisti tai yritys) käsittelyaika on?

Käsittely voi kestää jopa 24 tuntia niin kauan kuin kuukaudessa tapauksestasi riippuen. Ensimmäisen kerran hakiessani prosessi kesti käytännössä kuukaudessa. Lähetin hakemukseni 9. toukokuuta ja sain viisumini 5. kesäkuuta. Tämä oli vuonna 2015.

Toisen kerran kesti 7 päivää. lähetti hakemuksen 21. kesäkuuta ja sai viisumini 28. kesäkuuta. Ryhmätoverilleni se oli lyhyempi. He saivat heidän 5 päivässä. Jotkut ystävistäni saivat heidän alle 24 tunnissa. Se on melko vaikea ennustaa.

Kolmas kerta, se kesti 8 päivää. Äidilläni, joka haki ensimmäistä kertaa, oli myös hänen 8 päivässä.

Kuinka kauan Australian viisumin pätevyys on?

Minun tapauksessani, vaikka hain 3 viikon oleskelua, sain viisumin voimassa 3 kuukautta. Mielestäni se on vakiopituus muille kuin toimimattomille viisumeille.

Kuinka varhain minun pitäisi hakea Australian viisumia?

Aikaisemmin kuin 6 kuukautta ennen matkaa. Viisumissa viimeisenä päivänä voin tulla Australiaan selvästi määritelty: 6 kuukautta viisumin myöntämisen jälkeen. En taaskään ole varma, onko näin kaikille, mutta juuri se oli merkitty minun.

Kuinka paljon rahaa minulla on pankissa hyväksyä?

Kukaan ei tiedä tarkalleen. He eivät sano nimenomaisesti. Mutta antaaksesi sinulle idean pallokentän hahmosta, Ranskan suurlähetystö vaatii nyt Schengen -viisumin hakijoilta 120 euroa oleskelua päivässä.

Henkilökohtainen ohjeeni on P10 000 päivässä oleskelusta + lentoliput + majoituskustannukset.

Mikä on hakemuslomakkeen avustusnumero?

Hakulomakkeen sivulla 3, yo

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