combine Disney and theme park, then you’ll find yourself in the happiest place on earth! That is if you plan your check out well. Hong Kong Disneyland is one of the most went to theme parks in Asia and in the world. It can really get crowded during weekends and holidays. You wouldn’t want to spend long hours in queues for a ride or ordering your food, right?
Additional facts about Hong Kong Disneyland:
Toiminta-ajat. opens at 10:00 AM-10:30 AM and closes at 8:00 PM-8:30 PM. It varies depending on the date.
Themed Areas. main street (1890-1910 U.S.A.), Adventureland, Tomorrowland, Fantasyland, toy story Land, Grizzly Gulch, and Mystic Point
Cast Members. The term used for all Disneyland employees.
Virallinen nettisivu.
This guide is brought to you by Philippine Airlines and Hong Kong Disneyland
Mitä tässä oppaassa on katettu?
When is the best time to visit?
How much is the admission ticket?
Where to purchase tickets?
How to get to Hong Kong Disneyland?Hong Kong airport to Disneyland
Tsim Sha Tsui to Disneyland
What are the best attractions?
Is there a way to bypass the long lines?
How does FASTPASS work?
Do all attractions use FASTPASS?
How can I maximize my time in the park?
How long do I have to wait in line without the FASTPASS?
How to stay connected in Hong Kong?
Where to eat inside Hong Kong Disneyland?
Can I bring my own food inside the park?
Are there lockers in Hong Kong Disneyland?
Where to stay near Hong Kong Disneyland?
Top budget hotels in Hong Kong
Top Hostels in Hong KongSearch for much more Hong Kong Hotels
Other Disneyland Tips
Lisää ehdotuksia YouTube -ohjelmasta ⬇️⬇️⬇️ liittyviä viestejä:
When is the best time to visit?
Hong Kong has four seasons: the amazing dry winter, the warm humid spring, the hot rainy summer, and the bright sunny autumn. The country has a subtropical climate, so it’s tourist-friendly all year round, although what’s optimal depends on your purpose of visit. but the most recommended seasons are late autumn and early spring when there is little chance of rain or typhoon. Typhoons typically occur between may and September.
During the months of April and October, Hong Kong is bustling with local and foreign tourists because of the different conventions and exhibitions.
Autumn and spring are typically the top season for the park because of the good weather, so expect long lines. You can check out on a weekday instead of the weekend to avoid too much crowd and long queues.
Aside from the weekend, holidays like Christmas and Chinese new Year are considered busy times too as retail stores go on sale, attracting numerous consumers from around the globe. hotel prices and airfares shoot up too.
How much is the admission ticket?
There are four different types of park tickets for short-term visitors. but the two below are the most popular.
1-Day Park Ticket: HK$ 619 (General Admission, 12-64 y/o); HK$ 458 (Children, 3-11 y/o); HK$ 100 (Senior, 65+ y/o); valid on any one calendar day
2-Day Park Ticket: HK$ 799 (General Admission, 12-64 y/o); HK$ 589 (Children, 3-11 y/o); HK$ 170 (Senior, 65+ y/o); valid on any 2 days within a week or 7-day period
Where to purchase tickets?
Image offered by Klook
Tickets can be purchased on the day itself from the ticket booths at the entrance, from any of the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotels, and some luxury hotels in Hong Kong. You can also purchase online to save time. If you want to save money, Klook is providing discounted tickets.
✅ get YOUR discounted TICKET HERE
Once booked, you’ll get a confirmation through email where the voucher is attached. You may save the voucher to your phone or print it out on an A4-size paper. just head straight to the park main entrance turnstile and let the “cast member” scan the QR Code for you and give you the park admission ticket. welcome to Hong Kong Disneyland!
How to get to Hong Kong Disneyland?
Getting to Hong Kong Disneyland Park is easy-peasy, especially if you are flying into Hong Kong and the first in your schedule is Disneyland because both Hong Kong international airport and Hong Kong Disneyland resort are located on Lantau Island.
From Manila, daily flights to Hong Kong are provided by numerous airline companies. but Philippine Airlines is a terrific choice because every booking comes with 30kg baggage allowance and in-flight meals. inexpensive carriers offer fares that appear to be a tad cheaper, but these published rates don’t include baggage allowance yet. When you consider all the add-ons, typically the final price is higher than PAL. some of their aircraft units also feature in-flight home entertainment and power/USB ports!
Hong Kong airport to Disneyland
Via MTR (Mass Transit Railway) Trains
Take the airport express Train to Tsing Yi Station.
From Tsing Yi Station, transfer train to Sunny Bay station through Tung Chung Line. Note: Take the Tung Chung-bound train.
Alight at SunnyBay Station ja siirrä toiseen junaan Disneylandin asemalle Disneyland Resort Line -sivustolla.
Tule Disneylandin asemalla.
Matka -aika: Noin 30 minuuttia
Hinta: HK 70 dollaria (aikuinen), HK 65 dollaria (lapsi)
Muissa kohteissa kuin Disneyland Resortissa voit suunnitella matkasi ja nähdä parhaan reittivaihtoehdon ja lippuidean aikataulusi täältä: Hongkong Mass Transit Railway
Bussin kautta
Laskenta Ground Center Center Bus -terminaalista, ota kaikki linja -autot reitillä, joka alkaa kirjaimella ‘A’ tai ‘E’ (joko kaupunkibussi tai pitkä voittobussi), joka on kirjoitettu Lantau Link Toll Plazalle (joka on seuraava pysäkki). HUOMAUTUS: CTB tarkoittaa kaupunkibussiä ja LWB: tä pitkään voittobussille.
Tule Lantau Link Toll Plaza -tapahtumassa ja siirry reitti R8 -bussiin Hongkong Disneyland Bus -terminaaliin.
Tule Hong Kong Disneyland Bus -terminaalissa.
Matka -aika: Noin 15 minuuttia
Hinta: HK: n noin 7 dollaria
Tsim Sha Tsui Disneylandiin
Tsim Sha Tsui on siellä, missä monet budjettihotellit ja majatalot sijaitsevat. Jos täällä oleskelet, näin pääset täältä Disneylandiin.
MTR -junien kautta
Ota juna Lai King Stationiin Tsuen Wan -linjan kautta.
Lai King Stationista siirrä juna Sunny Bay -asemalle Tung Chung -linjan kautta. Huomaa: Ota Tung Chung-sidottu juna.
Tule Sunny Bayn asemalla ja siirrä toiseen junaan Disneylandin asemalle Disneyland Resort Line -sivustolla.
Tule Disneylandin asemalla.
Matka -aika: Noin 40 minuuttia
Hinta: HK 23 dollaria (aikuinen), HK 11,5 dollaria (lapsi)
Jos aiot tutkia muita Hongkongin paikkoja, mustekala -kortin saaminen on todella hyödyllistä. Se on uudelleenlaattavissa oleva kortti, joka tekee julkisen kantohopean maksamisesta paljon helpompaa. Voit käyttää sitä linja -autoissa, MTR -junissa, lautoissa ja raitiovaunuissa. Voit jopa käyttää sitä suorittamaan maksusi monissa laitoksissa, kuten ravintoloissa, hyötykaupoissa, supermarketeissa ja myyntiautomaatteissa.
Voit hankkia omasi verkossa klook -kautta. Voit noutaa sen saapuessasi Hongkongin kansainväliselle lentokentän saapumisalueen laskuri A13. Näytä vain kuponki (tulostettu tai matkapuhelimen kautta) ja olet hyvä mennä!
✅ Hanki korttisi täältä
Mitkä ovat parhaat nähtävyydet?
Alla on suosituimpia nähtävyyksiä (ei erityisessä järjestyksessä). Odottaa pitkiä jonoja huippukauden aikana.
Big Grizzly Mountain Coaster (Grizzly Gulch)
Hyperspace Mountain (Tomorrowland)
Iron Man Experience (Tomorrowland)
Jungle River Cruise (Adventureland)
Tarzanin puutalo (Adventureland)
Mystinen kartano (mystinen kohta)
Se on pieni maailma (Fantasyland)
Winnie Puh (Fantasyland) lukuisat seikkailut (Fantasyland)
Lelusotilas laskuvarjo pudotus (Toy Story Land)
RC Racer (Toy Story Land)
Onko olemassa tapa ohittaa pitkät viivat?
JOO! Miten? Hanki Fastpass -lippu. FastPass -lipun viehätys on, että voit säästää aikaa linjaan lyhentämällä odotusaikaa ja se on ilmainen!
Kuinka FastPass toimii?
Ensimmäiset asiat ensin:
FastPass -liput ovat saatavilla vieraille, joilla on voimassa olevat HK Disneyland -teemapuiston pääsyliput.
FastPass -liput ovat voimassa vain ongelmapäivänä.
Voit hankkia vain yhden FastPass -lipun ajanjaksolla. FastPass -lippu ilmaisee vetovoiman nimen, paluuajan ja ajan, jolloin saat seuraavan FastPass -lipun toiseen nähtävyyteen.
Jos olet ryhmässä, jokaisella teistä tulisi olla FastPass -lippu.
Vaihe 1: Siirry FastPass -lipunmyyntipaikalle jonnekin lähellä ajamasi vetovoiman sisäänkäyntiä.
Vaihe 2: Tarkista heijastettu ”paluuaika”; Jos paluuaika on kunnossa kanssasi, skannaa puiston sisäänpääsylippu FastPass -koneessa.
Vaihe 3: Hanki FastPass -lippu. Tarkista paluuaika.
Vaihe 4: Palaa määritettyyn aikaan ja siirry FastPass -paluun sisäänkäynnille. Näytä FastPass -lippu siellä sijaitsevalle näyttelijälle.
Vaihe 5: Ilo lyhyempää jonoasi ja odotusaikaa!
Käyttääkö kaikki nähtävyydet FastPass?
EI. Nämä ovat FastPass -nähtävyyksiä:
Hyperspace Mountain (Tomorrowland)
Iron Man Experience (Tomorrowland)
Winnie Puh (Fantasyland) lukuisat seikkailut (Fantasyland)
Huomaa: Fastpass -nähtävyydet voidaan muuttaa. Tarkista opaskartta tai virallinen sivusto ennen vierailua.
Kuinka voin maksimoida aikani puistossa?
Se voi olla vähän yrittämistä, kun se on ylin kausi-liikaa väkijoukkoja, pitkiä linjoja kaikkialla, hillopakattuja ravintoloita ja vessoja. Suunnittelu ennen puistoon tarkistusta antaa sinulle pelisuunnitelman, joka auttaa sinua maksimoimaan aikaa ja siihen kuluttamasi rahat. Tässä on joitain ehdotuksia:
Lataa ennen matkaa Hongkong Disneyland -mobiilisovellus. Se on uskomattoman hyödyllinen; Se voi kertoa ajelun likimääräisen odotusajan, auttaa sinua navigoimaan helposti puiston ympärillä GPS-yhteensopivan kartan kautta, kerro sinulle, missä ja milloin suosikkihahmosi ilmestyy puistoon, antaa sinun tehdä ravintolavarauksia ja lukuisia enemmän. Voit myös saada fyysisen opaskartan, kun saavut puistoon.
Priorisoi valitsemasi nähtävyydet. Ihannetapauksessa haluat kokea kaiken puiston tarjoaman, mutta todellisuus on, että niin ei aina ole. sijoittaa houkutusons that you want to experience.
Go there early. the most popular attractions tend to have slow-moving queues. get to these rides first.
Take advantage of the FASTPASS ticket.
If you like a complete Disneyland experience and you have extra money to splurge, stay in any of the Disneyland hotels. one of the perks guests can delight in is the priority Admission Pass for selected attractions. This is different from the FASTPASS ticket. guests are also entitled to seat reservations for stage shows in the park and have their own designated park entrance. These are just some of the perks of Disneyland hotel guests.
How long do I have to wait in line without the FASTPASS?
It really depends on the attraction and the time of your check out (peak season or lean season). For the popular attractions, it may take you 25 to 60 minutes. Waiting time is bearable and can even be pleasurable when you have someone to speak with or you can tinker with your phone to pass the time.
How to stay connected in Hong Kong?
Staying connected is helpful when it concerns traveling. It makes navigating, online booking, and researching possible anywhere you are outside the country. Pocket WiFi rental provides the most convenient way to stay connected. You may choose from any pocket WiFi companies here and abroad. MyPALRoam has booths at NAIA terminal 2. You can book online.
Klook is also providing pocket WiFi rental or 3G/4G SIM.
For HK 3G Mobile WiFi:
For HK 4G SIM Card:
Where to eat inside Hong Kong Disneyland?
Food inside the park is quite pricey; this is true for both the restaurants and the food carts. during top season, you have to wait in line and protected a table. but you have to eat no matter what. Hah hah.
Here are the restaurants inside the park:
Main Street, USA: main street corner Cafe, Market house Bakery, and Plaza Inn
Fantasyland: royal banquet Hall and Clopin’s festival of Foods
Tomorrowland: Starliner Diner
Adventureland: Tahitian Terrace
Mystic Point: Explorer’s Club Restaurant
Can I bring my own food inside the park?
Outside food and drinks are not allowed inside the park.
Are there lockers in Hong Kong Disneyland?
Luggage or any container larger than 56cm x 36cm x 23cm are not allowed inside the park. There’s a Luggage Valet on Park Promenade near the MTR Disneyland resort Station. The cost is HK$ 110 per piece per day. No overnight storage. storage lockers are also available halfway through main Street, U.S.A. You have limitless access to it within the day for HK$ 110
Where to stay near Hong Kong Disneyland?
Hong Kong Disneyland has three hotels near the park. To give you an idea of how much it would cost to stay in one of these hotels, here are the rates of a conventional room per night.
Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel: HK$ 2,200 (P 14,500)
Disney’s Hollywood Hotel: HK$ 1,500 (P 9,900)
Disney Explorer’s Lodge: HK$ 1,800 (P 11,800)
You don’t necessarily have to stay NEAR Disneyland because it’s very available anyway. here are other luxury hotels in Hong Kong.
The Luxe Manor. check rates & Availability.
Cordis, Hong Kong. check rates & Availability.
Hong Kong SkyCity Marriot Hotel. check rates & Availability.
Crowne Plaza Hong Kong Kowloon East. check rates & Availability.
Top budget hotels in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Disneyland is very available from the downtown where many budget hotels and hostels are located. If you are planning to cover much more of Hong Kong other than Disneyland and you want to spend much more money on experiences, not on accommodations, here are the top budget hotels and hostels in Hong Kong according to online users as of may 2018.
Hotel Pennington by Rhombus. check rates & Availability.
City garden Hotel. check rates & Availability.
Dorsett Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong. check rates & Availability.
L’hotel Island South. check rates & Availability.
Top Hostels in Hong Kong
London guest House. check rates & Availability.
Hao’s Inn. check rates & Availability.
Sincere Hostel Hong Kong. check rates & Availability.
Geo home holiday Hotel. check rates & Availability.
Search for much more H