Walking in Harmony: 4 religious places to check out at temple Street, Malacca, Malaysia

The street is known by numerous names. Locals have three names for this long road, one for each segment: Jalan Tukang Emas, Jalan Tukang Besi, and Jalan Tokong. Why they have to “divide” the street and give it three names is quite beyond me, but it really is just one long, curved street. Tourists typically call it “Temple Street” because of the number of temples that stand on its edges. but my favorite among all its names — Harmony.

It was our second day in Malacca. It was also our last day, which was quite unfortunate because we have not really seen much of the city other than Jonker, the Dutch Square, and the museum Complex. In a matter of hours, we would be flouncing out of Melaka. Our scamper along the street slowly turned into a stroll as soon as we discovered the charm that surrounded us. harmony street is flanked with old buildings that have been converted into Chinese shops.

It’s not challenging to see why this historically and culturally essential place is dubbed “Harmony Street.” A number of places of worship abound in the area, and they belong to different religions — the major religions in Malaysia. They are the Kampung Kling Mosque (Islam), Sri Poyyatha Vinayagar Moorthi temple (Hinduism), Cheng Hoon Teng temple (Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism), and Xiang Lin Si temple (Buddhism).

Harmony street is a enormous testament to religious pluralism in Malacca, which is absolutely admirable.

Mitä tässä oppaassa on katettu?

1. Kampung Kling Mosque
2. Sri Poyyatha Vinayagar Moorthi Temple
3. Cheng Hoon Teng Temple
4. Xiang Lin Si Temple

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1. Kampung Kling Mosque

Kampung Kling Mosque gate at harmony street and the pagoda-like masonry minaret
Built in 1748, Kampung Kling Mosque is one of the remnants of a Muslim Indian village that once occupied the area. In the 18th century, the area was called Kampung Kling. Kampung literally implies village and Klings are what natives called the Muslim Indians originating from South India. (I’m not sure if the etymology of the word Kling has something to finish with the term Keling, which is considered offensive nowadays. If so, I don’t think it was offensive at the time the mosque was built.)

The mosque is practically concealed by a wall, built far later on, but the structure becomes visible because of a towering minaret that kind of looks like the Chinese pagoda.

2. Sri Poyyatha Vinayagar Moorthi Temple

Sri Poyyatha Vinayagar Moorthi -temppeli, Malesian vanhin hindu temppeli
Unfortunately, the Sri Poyyatha Vinayagar Moorthi temple was closed when we passed by. This Hindu temple was built in honor of Vinayagar, a deity worshipped not just in Hinduism but also venerated in other religions, too. According to the site of Sri Ruthra Kaliamman temple (a Hindu temple in Singapore): Vinayagar is both the Lord of obstacles as well as the remover of obstacles. Kun teemme pahoja asioita tai kun aika ei ole oikein, hän asettaa esteet polullemme. When we take the appropriate path, He removes the root of our troubles.

3. Cheng Hoon Teng Temple

A monk leads a single-file procession
Of the four temples along temple Street, the Cheng Hoon Teng temple is certainly my favorite. It is probably the biggest, the most eye-catching, the most richly decorated and the most intricately designed. Plus, I got to see locals pray and worship while we were there. Locals, led by monks, gathered together for prayer. It actually felt strange to stand there while they worship but they said it was alright as they were used to tourists walking around the site.

The Cheng Hoon Teng temple practices the Three Doctrinal Systems of Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism and was the primary place of worship for the Hoklo (Hokkien) population in Malacca. It was erected in 1645 by Lee Wei King, a Kapitan, using materials from China.

4. Xiang Lin Si Temple

The second level of Xiang Lin Si Temple, Malacca
Unlike its neighbor, the Xiang Lin Si temple is not crowded at all. It stands practically directly opposite Cheng Hoon Teng Temple, just a few meters away. There were no tourists at all, aside from us, when we were there. but some locals were also there to pray and light incense sticks. I believe it’s a Buddhist temple because of the several statues of Buddha inside the temple and another big one at the center of the main prayer hall.

There’s no describing how I felt as we walked along harmony Street. There was just a terrific deal of delight in knowing that the people of Malacca peacefully co-exist for centuries despite the differences in religious beliefs. There was a sense of triumph in realizing that the people of Malacca had their main places of worship stand practically next to each other in just one street.

(That’s like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and Beyonce sharing the stage in just one concert. Or Mariah, Whitney and Celine. Or the RolLing Stones, kuningatar ja U2! OK, tarpeeksi, saat tunteen.)

Mutta vakavasti, se oli kuitenkin loistava tunne. Se on toivon vilkkuva, heikko, mutta silti silti välähdyttävä, että maailma voi valita elää yhdessä rauhassa, suvaitsevaisuudessa ja – odottaa sitä – harmoniassa.

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