Last Updated: 8/30/21 | August 30th, 2021

The truth is out there and little gray aliens have went to the planet. Well, at least according to those at the Roswell UFO museum in Roswell, new Mexico.

Supposedly, on July 3, 1947, ranch owner Mac Brazel discovered a crashed flying saucer, along with several alien bodies. The military, at first, said it was a flying saucer, then later called it a weather balloon and swore everyone to secrecy. any potential evidence was removed and put in area 51, the CIA basement, or some other super-secret place where they also keep Indiana Jones’ Ark of the Covenant.

Opened to visitors in 1992, the museum’s mission is to educate the general public about all aspects of the UFO phenomenon. Its exhibits include information on Roswell, crop circles, sightings, area 51, government cover-ups, and alien abductions.

The highlight of the museum is a fake alien corpse from the 1994 Showtime film “Roswell: The UFO Coverup.” The museum also has a replica of the Mayan sarcophagus lid found in Palenque, Mexico, that supposedly shows a man blasting off in a spaceship.

I found the museum very cheesy. Honestly, it’s not well done. There’s a lot of pictures and dioramas but the sections really lack a cohesive story. The information is really hard to follow and jumps around a lot. having read a lot about UFOs in the past, I could fill in the gaps but, if you went in not understanding anything about the crash, I don’t think you’d walk away feeling you understood what happened.

That said, there’s a lot of photos of UFOs, stories from people who believe they were abducted, and videos that give you some insight into what people think about aliens and the government coverup.

Since 1996, the annual Roswell UFO festival draws people from all walks of life to the town. Here, activities range from carnivals to trade shows, from alien costume contests to UFO lectures, and everything in between. well-known UFO researchers attend to present updated information on aliens and UFOs. numerous die-hards come various times and some spend days or even weeks doing research in the library developed to help people show the existence of aliens and a government coverup.

There’s a great bookstore here if you wanted to purchase some of the “seminal works” on UFOs and the coverups.

I’m a believer in UFOs and I left this museum hoping for more. That said, if you’re passing through Roswell, you ought to stop in. If you are a sci-fi or alien enthusiast, this place is for you. even if you are a skeptic, you ought to check it out anyway. It’s always good to know what the other side thinks!

Despite me not liking it as a museum, I had a lot of fun visiting. At the very least, it gives you a chance to break up that long road trip through the desert and see a bit of quirky America.

How to visit the Roswell UFO Museum

The Roswell UFO museum is located at 114 N main street in Roswell, new Mexico. If you have a car, the museum is a 3-hour drive from Albuquerque, 9 hours from Phoenix, and just over 7 hours from Dallas.

If you plan on taking the bus, Greyhound has tickets starting at $60 USD from Albuquerque and $105 USD from Phoenix.

Admission to the museum is $5 USD for adults and there are discounts for children, seniors, military members, and first responders. They’re open daily from 9am-5pm (but closed on Chrismas Day, new Year’s Day, and Thanksgiving). The museum also provides lectures and events throughout the year.

For much more details, you can contact the museum by phone (+1 575-625-9495) or visit their site at

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